On 23 and 24 June 2014, the EFFACE project organised two workshops on the "Role of the Criminal Justice System" and "Environmental Crime and Organised Crime,” in Catania, Sicily. The workshops brought together enforcement officials, academic experts in the field of environmental crime, and NGO representatives.
Participants representing institutions at national, EU and international levels pooled expertise to develop recommendations on how the EU can combat environmental crime more effectively at a workshop on on 21 January 2014.
Recognising the urgency for a number of wildlife species, and for man, more than 100 participants from ministries, NGOs, embassies and research institutions met in Berlin on 22 January for an event on the fight against wildlife crime (photos inside). It was stressed that prevention trumps enforcement – because it’s too late when animals valuable to the ecosystem are dead.
On 12 November 2013, Christiane Gerstetter of the Ecologic Institute, the EFFACE coordinator, presented the project during a seminar on environmental crime at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.
EFFACE project partners held their second project meeting at Sapienza University of Rome on 30-31 May 2013. The agenda included work to finalise the analytical framework which will underlie the project, initiating the research on instruments, actors and institutions relevant to environmental crime and planning for the interactive policy analysis activities to be launched later this year.
Environmental regulation enforcement officials and researchers from around the world met in Brussels on 13 – 14 November to examine the actions and benefits of working together to improve effectiveness in the fight against environmental crime.
The event was co-organised by EFFACE partner Michael Faure of the Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO).
Environmental crime—including poaching, illegal logging and fishing—poses a serious threat to sustainable development. As a major contributor to the fight against environmental crime, as well as a major destination for contraband, the European Union is currently in the process of reviewing its policies on environmental crime. On 23 April, R.
Researchers from seven universities and four think-tanks from six European countries met in Brussels on 23-25 January 2013 to launch the EFFACE project.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh
Framework Programme for research, technological development and
demonstration under grant agreement no 320276. The contents of this
website are the sole responsibility of EFFACE and can in no way be taken
to reflect the views of the European Union.